Re: Re: Setting Spears

From: Henrix <henrix_at_...>
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 23:41:03 +0200

David Bell and Simon Hibbs have argued my point of view so eloquently that I will only comment a few items.

On Mon, 03 Jul 2000, David Stephen Bell wrote:
> In this case of setting a spear against a charging horseman, it
> doesn't seem off IMHO that the horseman determines whether they
> charge in recklessly or pull up and procrastinate. Either way the
> spearman is not leaping into action, just directing the head of a
> grounded spear (if they've got any sense). The AP bid should lie with
> the horseman.

Setting a spear could perhaps be played as an unrelated action giving the same augmentation from the horse's strength as the charger has in the next exchange (provided of course that he is still charged). An ability test of some sort would of course be necessary, if nothing else versus Spear combat -5. (I am not certain it is a tactic really used anywhere in Glorantha.) Or perhaps as a simple contest versus the charger's Ride skill.

On Mon, 03 Jul 2000, Simon Hibbs wrote:
> This depends on what the two players declared as their actions.

Yes, naturally. I was polemizing against the interpretation that the opponent in an exchange could only respond passively, like dodging or parrying, and missed this vital piece of information.

> Argrath : "Aha, I jump to my left... *splat*... you're road pizza!"

My intention in the example was that the assassin wagered all his AP and lost three times as much, most probably leaving him dying. I would choose to describe this as something more than falling from a rooftop, but....

> Fortunately, there's no reason why player declarations can't have a profound
>effect on event, even if they're defending. Statisticaly a defender is no
>less likely to win an exchange than if he were the actor, so given the stake
>chosen by the actor there is no reason why he can't capitalise on this
>opportunity just as much.

Hear, hear!

Whatever is good for the dramatic effect is, in my eyes, good for the game.


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