Re: Digest Number 161

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 08:28:32 -0000

> >Heroquesting is the fastest way of improving abilities. I did not
> >mean that you have to heroquest to reach such ratings; it's merely
> >the most campaign-effective.
>But you do not have to heroquest, you could conceivably do so
> by entirely mundane means. So the Heroquesting is misleading in
>this context.

RQ used to refer to heroes as having possession of the mastery rune. IMHO as you gain more masteries with mundane (or magical but the effect is less noticeable) skills your affinity to the mastery rune increases and allows you to achieve more and more effects which would exceed our terrestial perception of what is possible. 1w3 is 'hero' level and obviously represents the point at which most people would begin to feel that your mundane abilities had become inherently magical through an implicit affinity with the mastery rune (though this is of course a very theistic explanation of what is happening). In this case mastery is not simply a skill level but a represntation of your ability to draw on the magic of Glorantha to enhance your abilities. To mangle atrhur C Clarke "any sufficiently high masery of a mundane ability is indistingushable from magic".

The superheroes infinity rune (total control of the flow of magic around them) is also probably partly representative of their even greater abilites.

Hopefully this improves my masteries in Sedenyic Philosphy.

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