Re: Mundane Superman versus Magical Superman

From: Philippe Krait <>
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2000 16:56:43 +0100

> From: Mikael Raaterova <ginijji_at_...>
> >A house rule that would be easy to add to
> >handle the situation of the man running as fast
> >as a horse would be to say that you can't
> >increase an ability beyond 20W unless you
> >provide a specifically magical way of being
> >taught.
> And, if i might add to that, remember that heroquesting (a highly
> magical activity) is a quite common way (possibly _the_ most common
> way in Glorantha) to reach Multiple Mastery Land.

I am personnaly not too sure about that. If you heroquest, I don't think that you would get better in your mundane ability. Heroquesting is interacting with the myth, and thus gaining mythical abilities, not improving your mundane ones.

So, going back to running, if you had run 10w2, and did a heroquest about running, you would (possibly) gain two benefits :
- Learn to run like a rabbit (for a change :-) at 10w, because you emulated brother rabbit and knew how to run exactly like him (in the myth) - and get experience with running allowing you to run better as a human (hero points) by applying what you learned as brother rabbit in the myth.

But these are two different things, and your "mundane" running would still only be good to run like a human (although better than most, because you sould applie brother rabbit's trick of speed).


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