Re: Berserk OTT!!

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 13:19:14 +0300 (EET DST)

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Jarec Basham wrote:

> Is it just me or do other people find Berserk to be over the top. One
> of my players uses berserk and quickly ends up with AP far in excess
> of other combatants. This has now forced another party member to
> learn a calming skill just to stop the party being decimated by this
> character. Should the character calming fail I shudder to think how
> many of the party would be killed by this character.
> The only solution to this would seem to be to ensure that the berserk
> character will always lose the combat in the end, but this is
> unrealistic and unfair.
> Any thoughts on this.
> Jarec

Berserkers are awe inspiring, powerful and terrible. They are nothing to take lightly, and no-one in their right mind want's to travel with one. The berserker in question should parhaps focus on honing the skills that let him recognize his friends, and come out of the frenzy when he run's out of enemies.


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