Re: Re: Berserking Revisited m2

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 18:14:07 +0100

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000 11:12:42 -0400, "KYER, JEFFREY" <jeff.kyer_at_...> wrote:

>> Oh, I don't want it to be easy :) I just figure as a Parting Shot you
>> would be using the death trauma to grab the spirit at it's weakest,
>> before it has a chance to get away (assuming it needs to 'do'
>> anything to get away). And yes, Theists should have a bonus at the
>> least, augment with their Worship Pantheon, or something.
>True. Mostly if you're an animist. Yes. Afterall, its sort of what
>can happen to you. I think it would have to be some sort of parting
>shot --- just to get the chance to do it.

Yes, I'd say the parting Shot wouldn't actually be Spirit Combat (you'd use the ability though), but just grabbing the spirit to allow a Spirit Combat contest to be initiated.

>> Me too... but I thought of it first, so in time honoured tradition, I
>> get away with it, no-one else does :) (OK, not really...)
>Mmm. Yep. Wulf Spirit-stealer, go and walk your heroquest path. Say
>hi to Tien for me on the way, huh? =)

Actually, it was the Tusk Rider connection, and the mention of fear and pain that struck a chord... that character has quite a history with Tusk Riders, they are the cause of her flaws of Mind Unhinged and Barely Controlled. When was the Boar Hunt again? Would it have run into Trader's valley?


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