Re: Wealth

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 11:22:04 -0000

Following myself up as I recall something else I was thinking about

>- Run it as an
> extended contest and haggle for all your worth

are there circumstances where there should be a cap on the maximum AP's bid? "The Rules" would suggest, if I have "Bargaining 17" in this circumstance I could say "I'll pay 5 Lunars, take it or leave it (17 AP Bid)" If I loose, I have to accept the merchants price or not buy the goods If I loose big time (going down to -17) I may be at a penalty for buying other goods in this market as people realise I don't know how to haggle. If I succeed, and reduce the merchant to 0 AP, he is presumably so flabbergasted at my cheek he agrees!

This could apply in other situations where the activity is intended to take time and increase dramatic tension - especially if the contestants are reasonably evenly matched (so a single roll can win the contest)...

I'm not really sure this is that "realistic" (whatever that means) though. Thoughts anyone?

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