Re: Abuse of character generation rules ?

From: Julian Lord <julian.lord_at_...>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 16:27:43 +0200

Phil & Phil :

> >"Farsook the Unclean owns a disintegrator ray and a cloak of
> >invulnerability. Using his psychic powers he can teleport and
> >move through time at will. After losing a bet, Stormbull agreed
> >to restore Farsook to life should he die."
> >
> >39 words so far, 61 remaining... or am I misreading the rules? :)
> even in an Open campaign, the character would have Disintegrate
> ability at 17, Invulnerable at 17, Teleport at 17, and Come Back To Life at
> 17. The effects that he can achieve with those abilities are no more
> powerful than any other ability names, such as Disrupt, Tough, Sunset Leap,
> Self-Healing, etc. Oh, and Storm Bull can't raise the dead, AFAIK.

I don't think it matters.

Even his Move through Time 17 is probably OK : just adapt the Duration Chart on p.232 of HW:RiG.

In fact he will likely find it very useful during his heroquests, as useful as Lunar T&Jers find their own Chronoportation ability.

Remember that to move _backwards_ through time he'll be up against a basic 10m10 Resistance, plus modifiers ... except in the hero plane !

I'm not sure that I'd allow Psychic Powers 17, though. It's simply too broad & meaningless for comfort.

I like the fact that he owns a disintegrator *ray*, not *raygun*. Where does he keep it ?

Apart from the fairly ungloranthan style of the write-up, the only major problem is that there's no Culture keyword, no Occupation keyword, and no Magic keyword ('Psychic Powers' doesn't count. Neither does 'Stormbull' I think).

I'd probably allow the character, after a little negociation ... :-)

Julian Lord

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