Subject: Re: Re: items in narrative

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 12:31:44 -0000

> OK, but what about cases where the player does things in play that
> can't be vetoed. For example, he takes an axe and shield and
> practices axe and shield fighting. Can he then at the end of the
> session claim increase in close combat, or gain the axe & shield
> fighting speciality at related cost (I'd say no). I don't think
> that simply doing something in play means the same as "related to
> session". Not a big deal though, each narrator should make his own
> judgement.

Basicly what Wulf & Graham already said - I'll just further add that RQ required you to use the skill "In Anger" to get a tick - Spending all week practicing Axe & Shield may have let you claim "training" (at the cost of doing anything else) but not an "experience check" - In this instance, the same sort of restriction could be applied where players have large amounts of free time "in game"...

... Also of course when he says "I'm going to spend this afternoon practising Axe & Shield Fighting", you can send the local Uroxi out to use him as a "sparring" partner, or have a Humakti offer to prove to him the superiority of the Sword over an axe....

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