RE: Re: mythical landscape and critters.

From: Weihe, David <Weihe_at_...>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 14:25:11 -0400

> From: guy hoyle
> | Lhankor Mhy and Chalana Arroy ARE "advanced," but this is
> |readily explained
> |by the impression that they are originally foriegners who were
> |adopted by way of the Lightbringers Myth.
> Hmm, I've never actually seen any proof of this, although
> that's what I've always assumed. Do you know where the
> two deities originated, then? I seem to recall that CA
> is also part of the Pelorian pantheon; however, LM doesn't
> ever seem to have been a part of it.

Actually, LM is just as easy. It is an Orlanthi version of Buserian (think of LM as Saint Patrick). This means that the old story that Irrippi Ontor was a Lhankhor Mhy sage actually is true, since the LM cult considers the Buserians to be brothers in faith. One can only imagine the joy when the Sages attached to the Councilic armies discovered their counterparts in the newly-liberated cities of Dara Happa. Of course, the Buserians probably look down on LM like the people at Oxford would have poor farmer's son Jake Gatz, if he hadn't invented the Jay Gatsby identity.

PS: Is Issaries GoldenTongue, supposedly the subcult most like the original god, a Talor trader prince reduced to running his own caravans? It would explain the Brolian King from the Broken Council Guidebook worshipping Issaries rather than Orlanth or some other Umathi god. Also, if Flesh Man really was Old Man Malkion, driven to total illogic by the horrors of the Gods War, this means that there is a balance to the non-Orlanthi influences on the LightBringers. It would also explain why Issaries followed that madman before Orlanth joined the Quest.

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