Re: Mundane vs Magical; Narrative vs Simulationist

From: James Turner <j.a.turner_at_...>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 10:43:00 -0000

>Because I like to see magic get better as you put hero points into it.
>Because I don't want a squad of weaponthanes to take out the enemy
>chief at a distance of a mile. (I've played Traveller games like
>that, where your laser rifle can do that, and it's boring.)

I would go with rules similar to what Tim posted a while back. Throwing a javelin a mile - resisted with 14. Throwing a javelin a mile and striking an intended target - augment mundane skill with feat (also brings up the question of if you can even see the target).

I think the named feats are focused specialities. They let you do what they say, otherwise the names are meaningless.

As you improve at magic you begin to understand how to use it better. Using elements of the 'mile javelin throw' to improve your mundane throwing. Using your 'leap trees' knowledge to help you jump up to a ledge etc. Augmentations and improv mods are the reasons you still want your magic scores to get better.

James Turner

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