Re: Barz: a character description

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 17:55:01 +1300

David Dunham wrote:

>It's 100 words (give or take -- I always let the clan be specified
>for free), and since each couplet is a single thing, isn't this just
>a list of 50 abilities and therefore illegal [HW.18]?

         Your description must be composed in complete, grammatical
         sentences.  No lists; no sentence fragments.  Your narrator
         may choose to allow sentences like the preceding one, which
         break the rules of formal grammar for emphasis or rhythmic
                         HW:RiG p18

Sounds alright to me as I don't see the next sentence "She shouldn't permit sentences bent simply to squeeze in more information..." as applying.

--Peter Metcalfe

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