Re: Re: bows

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 12:03:23 -0800

> Hmmm, I had the impression from somewhere that, like some of the
> culturally similar earth peoples, the orlanthi used skirmishing with
> ranged weapons (and no doubt boosted with movement and wind magic) as
> a big part of their combat. In essence that they didn't go in for
> set piece battles, but rather for something more like a running
> skirmish, with hand to hand combat being more the exception than the
> rule. But I could be very incorrect, and I don't even recall where I
> got this impression from. Certainly the key words don't support this
> view, as it gives almost nobody othere than hunters ranged combat
> skills.

They skirmish with movement assist, allowing them to be "heavy skirmishers" - it's not lightly armored guys with slings & bows, but heavily armored, *fast* guys with javelins and other throwing implements of destruction. If they cause a breach in the opposing formation with thrown weapons, then they rush in and the slaughter begins, but if they don't, they can skedaddle faster than any other foot (and some horse) troops.

Bowmen (and slingers) are more often "snipers" - they look for targets of opportunity and take out leaders. Most bowmen are Hunters, most slingers are either herdsmen or Hedkoranth followers.


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