Re: Gringle Goodsell

From: JEFFREY KYER <jeff.kyer_at_...>
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2001 15:35:29 -0000

..back in '78. LONG time ago.  

> I think that it is more likely that when it was written their was no
> (published) Gloranthan calendar, so most, if not all players would
> have accepted "He vanishes once a month because he is a werewolf"
> without question, but would have queried it if you said "once a

When I converted Rainbow Mounds, I noticed a lot of such things -- even in the current works, authors slip and put in Month -- it is a convenient measure. Half season and Fortnight, y'know...  

> There is nothing in the rest of the module (including Gringle's
> stats) to suggest he is a werewolf - although to be honest, what
> confuses me more is why he doesn't take the crystal with him when he
> knows the Baboons are coming to steal it back...

But its such a *juicy* rumor that it won't die. Sort of like a real rumor or scandal. And until Mr. G fesses up as to what he does, rumor will continue. I think that's just his night for poker.


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