Re: The Sword That Isn't Death Any More Heroquest

From: Phil Hibbs <phil_at_...>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 21:59:31 -0000

>That's a good method. And one way of representing what happens when
>the Humakti who played Death comes back looking for his sword.

Or to get his Death back - if it was a Humakti dying on a battlefield that was brought in, then by taking away his Death, you will have stopped him from dying. He's going to be quite upset about this. This could be used as a scenario in another way - a PC Humakti is dying, and finds themselves dragged into a HQ in the role of Humakt. If his Death is taken away, then he finds himself alive, but with no Death affinity, maybe even not a Humakti anymore depending on what station he lost Death at. He then has the choice of going to get his Death back (and dying) or living out life as a normal Orlanthi. If he keeps Death, then he dies, but he dies a good Humakti.


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