Re: How do edges and handicaps work?

From: wulfc_at_...
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2001 12:02:35 -0000

> In similar numbered posting there are discussions on different
> applications of the edges as a rule. My question poses one of the
> prevalent alternatives a t the time the question was posed. Wulf
> be a key source of information on popular house rules, he was in
> of the debates.

Does that make me an authority or a nuisance?  

> > For example, I have an edge of 3 and I bid 3 when acting. My
> > opponent has an edge of 2 for a net edge of 1 in my favour. If I
> > win the exchange, my opponent loses 4 AP (or 8 or 12 depending
> > the > multiplier). If I lose the exchange, I lose 2 APs (or 4 or
> > 6). If there is a transfer, then I gain what my opponent loses
> > with a maximum on my gain of their APs at the start of the round.
> This looks in line with Roderick's posting, though please confirm
> yourself.

I still say the second example should be a loss of 3/6/9 for the bidder, not 2/4/6. I reitterate not to force my opinion through, but make sure we are all discussing the same problem in interpretation.

>Remember ranks complicate the situation slightly, but
> because they often cancel out can be omitted if desired (so you
> that as an option too).

Ah, but with Charles program, they're not a problem at all, as his program handles it all seamlessly (and if you don't want them, you can just miss them out of the data). It does what computers do best, throw lots of numbers around really fast.  


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