Liturgical wanderings (from HeroWars)

From: wulfc_at_...
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 08:50:12 -0000

Moving right along as requested from the HeroWars list...

> I don't know if I like this distinction. A blessing/curse (or
> positive/negative, if you prefer, or even defensive/offensive)
shouldn't be
> handled two different ways. Feats, for example, seem to work
exactly the
> same wheather they are "Swordhelp" or "Scare the bejeezes out of the
> neighbors." Similarly, spirits have more or less the same rules
used to
> help the shaman or hurt her foes. Why should liturgy be any

Hold on, I disagree here. Swordhelp is an augment (usually), with a nice simple mechanism to overcome resistance, while an offensive spell uses a different mechanism, being resisted by the target. Likewise with spirits. So, in my opinion, your examples don't bear investigation.


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