Re: Re: Liturgical wanderings (from HeroWars)

From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 09:02:05 -0600

Tim Ellis says:

>I said
>>My best guess at the moment is that the multiple target does not
>>apply to Blessings, but does apply to curses - bearing in mind that
>>the narrator could always treat 'an army' or 'a village' as a single
>Which was confirmed by Roderick
>>Correct - by participating in the ceremony, "the congregation" is
>>blessed as a single entity. Enemies are not part of "our
>>congregation". If you could curse your enemies easily than the
>>Kingdom of War would be a magically-blasted wasteland (okay,
>>magically blasted by the Loskalmi, rather than the KingdomofWarians)
>>If a Liturgists wanted to bless someone *not* at the ceremony, such
>>as "our boys in the field", then multiple targets *do* apply unless
>>there is some major connection between the Liturgist and the "boys
>>in the field".

        Ah, here's the missing piece of the puzzle. Thanks! Alough I suppose that a group of enemies who obligingly drew themselves together into a "magical community" might be treated as a single target. Not a regiment attacking, maybe, but the same regiment praying for success in the coming battle might be more vulnerable to curses (of course, they'd have their magical defenses going, too, so the benefit might not be all that big...).

Peter Larsen

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