Re: Subject: Leaving the hero plane

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 15:59:30 -0000

> Bringing something back from a heroquest strikes me as
unusual, almost by

I agree. But some quests do result in you bringing back an item of some sort. The Plundering of Aron probably results in it. OR going into the underworld and brining back a prisoner in the Lunar Hells...

> definition. I don't think it's possible to do anything during the
> Time flight except go to Kero Fin, see the various events, say your

Yep. And initiate kids. That Heroquest is 'just' a trip to see the god and reaffirm your ties with him. (Its probably the MOST important heroquest but everyone does it.)

> prayers, and return home. If you decide to nip off to the Thunder
> for a drink, you are in very real danger of being left behind.

I think visiting the thunderbrothers is a part of it (you find out what god you're call too) but making a quick trip into the Northfaring or a trip to the Black Isle of Introspection might be very stupid -- unless you have decided to do a heroquest on the High Holy Day. Its not unlikely that heroes WOULD do that, as its very auspicious.

But I think your're right: for an newly initated youngster it would be suicide. It would one reason to explain why people don't come back from their initation -- they are tempted and loose the path.

> the Heortling who returns from initiation with something is, no
> destined for glory.

Like, say, Harmast? =) He went very, very deep into the Godplane apparently and met the Great God and his wife during it.


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