Re: Running a chase/pursuit/race

From: Charles Corrigan <glorantha_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 15:11:33 -0000

> Now I do have some ideas. We played out something along these
> lines in an episode Bruce Ferrie was narrating where we held an
> impromptu contest to decide who would go on a cattle raid. 3
> Finovani sped across the tula with a couple of cattle in tow
> pursued by the clan's best hunter, and determined to reach the
> finish line first. The players (running the Finovani characters)
> described their actions to shake off pursuit/cover their tracks
> and we guessed at some AP depending on how likely we thought you
> would be to win/lose the contest (get to the finish line last)
> by taking that course of action.

You only left out how hilarious it was, particularly as it wasn't even in the scenario that Bruce had written for us!


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