Re: Re: Failure at the end of a HQ

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 10:11:35 -0700

> > What happens if the Heroes trot through their heroquest
> > (successfully or not), get to the end, and fail to overcome the
> > 10W3 resistance to return to the Middle World?
> >
> > Do they just get stuck wandering around the [whatever] plane
> > forever?
> One point has been made, the bonus or support that helps the heroes
> cross the barrier from mundane to otherworld usually applies on the
> way back too.

Look at the Carryover chart on Page 49 of the Narrators book. Homecoming is *not* a Critical element, but *does* contribute to carryover. So if you fail "crossing over" (And this would require some extreme conditions, especially if you have been generally successful so far - you have support from your mundane friends which got you to the God plane in the first place, *plus* positive carryover that you didn't have before...), you'd get "spit out" of the God Plane, not necessarily in the best place ("Oops, well, you come out in the middle of <Snake Pipe Hollow/Lunar Military Headquarters in Boldhome/Dragon's Eye>, what do you do now?"), plus they get assessed the negative Carryover that the failure gives, reducing the effect of their quest/length of time an effect lasts.

Truely nasty narrators can make "Homecoming" a required element of the quest, and yes, the heros would then be stranded on the God Plane and need rescuing.


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