Re: pantheons

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 00:37:34 -0000

Sure. But a rule of thumb for setting up cults and affinities that I use is this:

Think about just who will be worshipping that cult and then think of what they do for a living. From that, think of the six most useful things that they could get for magic. If not useful, then signature works well.

For example, when thinking of Pelaskos, I knew they were deep water fishermen. As an aside, the Storm Tribe version of the cult differs from the much more pleasant enviromnent found in the Islands -- think of the difference between fishing in the reefs and islands of the West Indies and trying to drag a net back over the side off Norway.

I know from sailing that the most USEFUL things I could want was quick knots, keeping the hull from leaking (or getting rid of that water), and trying to get the waves NOT breaking over the bow in a wave of death thank-you-very-much. Knowning where land is and when the tide's going to rip through the area are also greatly useful. From his brother Proverri, I could see the 'Fishing' affinity and use it. But when the feats were put together we saw that there were 2 major tendencies -- boating and beating up on sea creatures....

Then add in any feats that reflect the mythology of the god/hero/etc. So Pelaskos ends up with Boating, Fishing and Overcome Sea affnities. The secret was just pure 'Captain Ahab' dogged pursuit.

A similar process occured for Gustbran (though I had no idea he was so bronze-o-centric at the time).

Hope this helps?


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