Re: Re: Decapitation and other Humaktization

From: Gerald Bosch <gbosch_at_...>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 00:52:09 -0400

reinierd_at_... wrote:

> Jeff (or others), could you elaborate on this please? I am intrigued
> and encouraged that you have found a way to make this useful. My
> problem with the Humakti feats is that they all seem to be along the
> lines of "Cut Foe [augment x]" "Cut Foe Some More [augment x]" "And
> While Your At It, Cut Them Again [augment x]". How do you make the
> different descriptions have different rule effects that are actually
> useful?
> Eg, in combat you would probably be unlikely to switch your Humakti
> over from CC 3W2 to Combat Affinity, Decapitate Foe Feat 10W unless
> the enemy has extremely poor resistance (or at least worse than their
> CC). It also seems that the enemy could legitimately defend with
> Close Combat, although some (mild IMO) improv penalty might be
> required.

In my game I've converted an RQ Sword of Humakt into the new system. I'm having this exact problem. The feats don't seem all that "sexy" and his sword skill is so high that he really sees no need to build up his affinities.

> And this segues nicely into a rant on Humakti feats. Where are Blind
> Fighting, Lightning Draw, Reverse Strike, Vorpal Blade Went
> Snickersnack, Hit Foe Into the Middle of Next Week, Slash Multiple
> Opponents In One Giant Swing, Flashing Blade, Defeat All Enemies
> (hey, that's what he did in his initiation by the bad uncles, right?)
> etc?! Why is it that the combat feats of Vinga, Elmal and others are
> so much more interesting, useful, and have wider applications? (sorry
> I don't have books with me or I would cite but Ricochet Shot comes to
> mind) Humakt is the best warrior of the Storm Tribe, shouldn't his
> feats be able to do something more fun and creative than the simple
> augment or edge enhancement?

I've noticed the same thing. What I have been doing is trying to come up with some Quest Challenges that would provide this kind of thing. Also, you can always just add to the available list of feats. It is repeatedly stressed that these lists are incomplete. I'm writing up a new anti-Telmori Hero cult (my people hate wolves) common within their tribe. The feats allow things like overcoming multiple-target penalties when fighting wolf packs and overcoming werewolf hide issues.


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