Re: Humakt - Anti-Telmori

From: Wesley Quadros <wquadros_at_...>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 08:33:23 -0700

For those who are interested, there is a Humakti subcult on my website that is a telmori-slayer. Look in the God's Plane > Cults > Humakt section.
::: Glorantha Site:


Wesley wrote:
> I've noticed the same thing. What I have been doing is trying to come up
> with some Quest Challenges that would provide this kind of thing. Also, you
> can always just add to the available list of feats. It is repeatedly
> stressed that these lists are incomplete. I'm writing up a new anti-Telmori
> Hero cult (my people hate wolves) common within their tribe. The feats allow
> things like overcoming multiple-target penalties when fighting wolf packs and
> overcoming werewolf hide issues.
> Gerald
> _

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