Dragon Slaying Swords and suchlike.

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 23:20:00 -0000

First of all, something that might be a statement of the obvious. It wasn't clear to me that everyone was clear about the starting level of items, so before deciding how a Dragon Slaying Sword works, a brief look at how you might get one.

You decide, when creating your character that he will have a magic, Dragonslaying sword, so you include it in your 100 words, or on your list. It initially starts at a score of 13, although you could choose to use one of your 1W or your 5W ability here.

Alternatively, you only decide you want the sword once play starts, your choices are to persuade your GM to run an adventure in which you find one - (in which case you can spend 1HP to cement the benefit, at what ever ability the GM assigns it, be it 5, 5W or 5W5) or to pick one up in a way "unrelated to the session" - this might be as a "Mundane ability" at a cost of 2HP to start at a score of 12, or (depending on how you judge the sword to work) as a new "Affinity, Tradition or Mystic Power" for 6HP, Again to start at 12.

In other words, Unless you choose such an item at the start, the only way to get one at a score other than 12 is to find one in play (in which case the GM will assign the rating anyway!)

Of course how useful a "Dragon Slaying Sword 12" is does depend on how you decide that item works - and I'll discuss that in a message entitled "Enchant Banesword Ritual"

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