Odaylan Beast Charms Questions

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 22:57:00 +0100

Taking a break from Broad skills...

According to Storm Tribe p50 an Odaylan pays double HP to gain a beast charm, as it is misapplied worship so that's 2HP for a "played out" quest or 4 to "just buy one" between sessions.

It is not 100% clear, but it appears that this hunting quest is intended to be a "Quest Challenge" as per the Narrators book pp40-41, with the challenge and ability given in the chart on ST p50 - So an Odaylan who enters a quest challenge with an Eagle will stake his "Climb" in an attempt to gain the Eagles "Keen Eyesight" as a 1xDay skill spirit. There is no suggestion in Storm Tribe as to the minimum AP the Hunter must bid - I'd suggest that rather than enter the quest with a set AP total, since the description says that the hunter "Gains Mastery over the animal" and "Breathes in the Animal's last breath" the hunter must first defeat the prey in an extended "hunt", driving it to a complete defeat, then enact the ritual challenge as a simple contest to capture the spirit. You probably require at least a minor victory as a marginal victory normally just gives you a 1 use fetish (say that any marginal result is treated as "no result" - the Odaylan doesn't gain the skill, but doesn't loose the gambled skill either.

The Odaylan takes the captured breath back to a kolating who actually forces it into the fetish - presumably he doesn't pay any HP cost which is born by the hunter.

It still seems like an expensive way to get the spirits, mind you - you need to persuade a kolating to help you (at a cost) then risk a part of yourself in the quest challenge, and still pay a double HP cost at the end

A final question - ST p150 says Beast Charms don't cause the Odaylan to take a penalty to their theistic magic use. - I must have missed something somewhere since I don't recall theists taking a penalty to their feats and affinities due to owning a fetish - can anyone refresh my memory/provide a pointer to the relevant section.


| Tim Ellis EMail tim_at_... |
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