Re: Digest Number 590

From: Martin Dick <martin.dick_at_...>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 17:52:26 +1000

> (1) I have never liked 'Close Combat' and insist on proper weapon
> skills,
> with improv modifiers for other related skills. CC always seemed an
> unnecessary rules clutter to me. The difference in practice has been
> almost negligible...
> --
> Graham Robinson The Stableyard - Internet Solutions
> gjr_at_...

I use exactly the same system for my game, no Close Combat or Ranged Combat ability. The characters choose skills like Bow, Sword, Spear and Shield and then if they want to use something else that they don't have a skill in, then I just apply an improvisational penalty. I.e the guy who's good with spear and shield has to fight with a mace, okay -10 bucko. Seems to work fine for us.

In the game I was playing, we used Close Combat with specialisations and I didn't see any real difference. It just makes combat abilities different from other abilities and I don't really see the advantage


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