Re: Re: Spirits & Daimones (and Bears, tra la...)

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 15:58:20 -0700

At 10:17 PM 6/25/2001 -0000, you wrote:
>> I disagree with this entirely.
>> They are different entities, different in type form and power.
>> They come from different worlds.
>Would they be behaviourally or "psychologically" distinct?
Behaviorally or psychologically actually confuse me in this context. Do you mean does a wind daimon and a wind spirit act different? A wind is a wind, until you try to use god power and discover it is from the spirit world and resistant to you.

>I am also
>wondering to what extent these are/should be conscious, aware that
>sort of thing.

Deities and spirits have awareness or self consciousness, though they are not generally intelligent or free willed. That is, they know that they exist as entities, they have the ability to respond to certain stimuli (though not necessarily the same stimuli as a human would respond to), they often find pleasure, and exhibit other emotions at varying times.
They generally do not have a full range of actions available to them. Intelligence above means the ability to think like humans, whatever that may mean to you. But they can think like air daimones, or water daimones or tree spirits or thatever. As for free willed, they are not able to act outside of their nature (whatever that means to you.) A tree can act as a tree, but that is all.
Essences in general are extremely rare in the middle world and the above does not apply. They are without awareness, intelligence or will. Exceptiosn exist to all the above.

Greg Stafford, greg_at_...
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