Re: Evil, LoTR, and Glorantha

From: Julian Lord <julian.lord_at_...>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 19:09:21 +0100

contracycle :

> > One thing I dislike about LoTR is the way that the whole race of
> > orcs is presented as evil because they were made that way.

> Tolkein In Tolkiens defense, he was writing in an era in which racial
> identification was a current issue. I am much more concerned, as you
> mention, by the way that D&D appears to perpuate this uncritically.

Nonsense. These are just ordinary topoi of fantasy literature.

Or should I use stronger words ?

Sumwhyle wyth wormez he werrez, and with wolues als, Sumwhyle with wodwos, that woned in the knarrez, Bothe wyth bullez and berez, and borez otherquyle, And etaynez, that hym aneled of the heze felle;


PS Hey ! My sig = my post ? A yummy first !!

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