Re: Re: Travel to the hero plane during worship

From: KYER, JEFFREY <jeff.kyer_at_...>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 13:04:07 -0500

charlescorrigan wrote:
> I left out that the leader of the ritual could have several other
> skills that could also be used to enhance his total ability. I don't
> have the books here but I think that Mythology is the basic skill and
> all others are used to enhance/add bonuses.
> regards,
> Charles

We also let the other players help augment the 'celebrant' - the Knowing Man reminds him of the Secret Words, the Travelling Man brings something for the journey to use two cheap examples. The hunter usually finds a _excellent_ sacrifice. This lets everyone feel they have a hand in participating.

Also, one thing I allow is that the heroes bring one odd item along. If tehy can figure out how to use it properly - like the Hunter using a leather sack t hid someone in or the Knowing Man using his birchbark paper to hide behind (it was a tree afterall), I let them get a bump up for it. It makes for a good, mythic game. (and is a bit easier on the HP expenditure.

Hope this helps,


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