Re: What's the current Received Wisdom on ducks?

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 14:32:42 +1000

Andrew asks about ducks.

Ducks are twagic. Twagic.

Dwiven by unspweakable atwosities committed against them by the Lunars (who mistakenly believe the ducks know the deep, deep secwets of the Big Pond*), many durulz have indeed turned to the thwee ancestwal lords of death, dwead Hueymakt , Dueymakt and Loueymakt, the death dwakes.

Ducks are serious. Twuly serious.

Many hazia cigaro chewing, uni-ambular, durulz freebooters (though often only the left boot) haunt the backwoads and twails of Sartar, surviving fwom day to day and marshalling their powers for the dweadful day when a hewo will wise to fwee them.

Durultz (only friends dare call them ducks to their face), are indeed theists, worshipping a pantheon of gods that the Heortlings later adapted as their own, though giving them human faces and in doing so losing much of their twuth and power.

Those born of the Cosmic Egg include Hueymakt Deathdrake, Canarda the Pond Goddess, the Berserker Storm Bill, Mallard Gor the MudSlinger, and Ducka Fowl, Judge of the Quick, the Dead and the Dwead.

They also wecognise Orlanth, the cold wind who makes circles cwoss the pond, who stole their wings but pwomised one day to weturn them.

Their ancient enemy is Quackodemon, who laid the Red Egg in the Sky. Dwead prophecies weveal that if the Red Egg ever hatches, it will welease into the world Kwakboth, the Devil Weborn. And that could turn a bit nasty.

Ducks like to use the word 'dwead' a lot. They divide the world into twee basic categowies: quick, dead, and dwead, cwoss-rewerenced by wet, dwy and soggy. They are also partial to cigars, and will sometimes heroquest for teeth so they can chew them properly.

 No weally. I mean really...


nysalor_at_...                              John Hughes

On my planet, we don't say die, we say KILL!

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