
From: antalvarez2001 <antalvarez1976_at_...>
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 17:44:21 -0000

Thank you all for your answers about Elmal. The Compromise is a good reason for night and day but I would prefer that, besides, night and day were Elmal's deeds. I have taken some of your ideas and I have written a sort of myth for my Glorantha and for my game. I'll try to translate it in my horrible 'spanglish', so if you see something [or everything ;-)] bad, please tell me so.

During the Great Darkness, Elmal patrolled Orlanth's Tula, protecting it of the Chaos and the Night. When Elmal arrived each evening to the border of the tula, he fought there a Chaos God. So hard was the battle that Elmal shone bloody, and seemed to be dispelled, covering the world in darkness, but, each morning, the shine of Elmal returned to be born, wrapped in blood showing that it had left victorious.

One day, when Elmal traveled through the sky upon Kero Fin, the Center of the Universe, he saw the whole world under the hooves of his horse. He saw the visible world and the invisible one, the upper world and the Underworld, and he saw Orlanth and the other gods lost in the darkness. Then he decided that the only hope was descending to the Underworld, lighting Orlanth's road. That night, during the battle in the edge of the tula, Elmal lit its horse with the Last Light of the World, and he sent him to the Center of The World. Then, Elmal descended to the Underworld. There, he became the Torch of the First Light of the World and guided Orlanth through the darkness. The Dawn came and Orlanth threw the Torch of the First light to Elmal, The Last Light of the World, that waited loyally on the top of Kero Fin.

Each day, Elmal patrols Orlanth's Stead, protecting it of all badly. When he arrives at the border each evening, he fights with an Enemy of the World, being covered by blood, and he descends to light the roads in the Kingdom of the Dead. Each dawn the world is renewed when Elmal, the First Light of the World returns to patrol Orlanth's Stead. Because that there is the day and there is the night. This is the Great Compromise.

Of course Elmal is in the same time at the Underworld and on the top of Kero Fin, but it isn't strange in Mythology. ¿The Underworld and the Middle Word had become the same world? Well, and it could be a part of Elmal in two different places.

Sorry for the bad English and Regards,


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