Re: New Pelorian [OT]

From: Julian Lord <julian.lord_at_...>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 22:14:06 +0200

Benedict :

> As Sedenya is 'the mirror and the mask' and embraces contradictions,
> we can expect that the New Pelorian lexicon actively undermines
> distinctions, clarity and truth (see 'freedom' and 'slavery'), and
> corrodes the minds of its users in the way that Postmodernism seems to
> have destroyed the brains of some people in English Literature
> departments.

An apt parallel !

AFAICS the RMM version of New Pelorian is more a very pleasant and amusing joke, not least because it's a running joke, than an "accurate" portrayal of New Pelorian : but of course, the reason the joke's such a good one, is that it's based on a very solid intellectual basis, that goes beyond 1984 : look at Graves' White Goddess for example (Red, White, what's the difference ?), where he discusses IIRC how languages can be engineered so as to engineer people's minds and core beliefs.

A major theme of 1984, and one of the functions of New Pelorian : the RMM version of the language is the most fully satisfying Glorantha parody I know of !

Julian Lord

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