Re: Illumination Again

From: illuminate33 <inarsus-ferilt-z_at_...>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 18:20:08 -0000

Greg wrote:
>there are many many diversions that make people think they are
>illuminated when they are
> not, and the people who seek the easy way ("find me a Riddler,
>I want to break my vows") are the most likely to be duped by
>shysters and, especially, themselves.

>Riddling is more like a zen koan. You all have heard the riddle
>of one hand clapping.

Good Example, but IMO a sort of Zen Buddhism is better for Kralorela rather than Lunar Empire setting.

[Japanese zen, from Chinese (Mandarin) chan, meditation, from Pali jhanam, from Sanskrit dhyanam, from dhyati, he meditates.]

And there is a good japanese traditional comic storytelling (Rakugo), that how a tofu maker disguising a virtuous zen priest defeats a wandering priest challenging riddle contest only by gestures.

It is rediculous because both of them perfectly misunderstands the another man's gesture.

> (I'll bet Nick puts that sentence in the 'great gregisms," eh?)

Usually I think Nick is Malkioni, on the contrary of the main opinions of this mailing list that he is Lunar.



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