Re: Re: Uroxi sense Chaos-tainted/marked ?

From: Graham Robinson <graham_at_...>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 08:24:03 +0100

Peter Metcalfe writes :

>There is no cultural relativity in what is chaotic.

Except, of course, we have the clear example of kinstrife causing chaos amongst the Heortlings. There *is* a clear cultural component to chaos, albiet one of many components. I'd also say that some cultures are more resistant to the universal chaos practices than others. In very rough game terms, I'd see it as contest between 'Chaos Act' (augmented by 'Done It Before') and 'Cultural Acceptance'. Assign numbers to suit your viewpoints (and seriously consider changing games if this ever actually becomes an issue).


Graham Robinson

Albion Software Engineering Ltd.

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