Re: Initiates vs Devotees

From: Jeff Kyer <jeff.kyer_at_...>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 02:55:40 -0000

A VERY good example on how to make Devotion of a life...

> the Storm Tribe. This is a very good thing: yet another way of
> grounding the characters in their society and a realistic hook to
> allow Narrators to feed PCs plots.
> Honk!
> Mark
> ---------------------
> Mark Galeotti

Honk indeed!

I think your examples were very, very good and just the sort of thing that devotees should consider if they are getting into their world view. I may use them as examples when I am giving my demo-teaching-what-is-religion-anyways spiel.

Thanks for the illos!


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