Re: Humakht vs. Vinga

From: Graham Robinson <graham_at_...>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 20:26:22 +0000

>OMG. Humakht is "pragmatic"? And John has them treat Vingan
>women "warriors" as equals!

While I can't quite see Humakt as pragmatic, I think John is aiming more for *some* Humakti giving grudging respect to *some* Vingan warriors. Certainly that's more my view. I find the very black and white stereotypes of the cults, even cults as extreme as Humakt, problematic. Sure, a disciple might take the view you suggest, but average Joe Humakti the initiate can have views like "I don't care if she's a woman and has red hair, she stood by my side when the rest of the men fled, so she's alright by me".

Also worth noting that female Humakti are not exactly unheard of.

>As for models for the Humakt dominated clans fighting Delecti, I'm
>thinking Templars in the Holy Land. Not a "normal" clan at all, but
>some attempts to fit in. Their members largely come from outside.

More the other way around, surely. Delecti is the remenant of the old religion, trying to reconquer the land, and obtaining new members only from outside. (Okay, in his case it is the neighbours' dead rather than new recruits from Europe...) I certainly can't see the upland marsh as much more of a threat than, say, Snakepipe Hollow or the Dragon's Eye. I reckon a better model would be the Muslims living near the crusader states, although given the huge cultural differences I can't really see anything in the area being a good fit.


Graham Robinson

Albion Software Engineering Ltd.

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