Does this scan? Heroic hearts - a HQ/HQ crossover

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 11:09:42 +1100

Kareth, the Sartarite Sword Master, looked deeply into Kallyr's dark eyes. For some reason, he looked far less geeky to the girl than he had ever looked before.

"Noble swordsman," Kallyr stammered, "why are you looking at me like that?
What's going on?"

"Because I have something to say. I love you, Kallyr."

Kallyr looked back stunned. "No, no you can't -"

"Please listen to me! Ive been thinking about you and only you ever since I
came to Pavis. You're the most perfect girl, the most perfect person I've ever met. And I...."

Suddenly a male voice from the most distant sky interrupted them. "Hey! Liberator! What in the highest heaven do you think you're doing with Kallyr?"

They turned to see a blonde-haired god, Kallyr's lover, facing down at them from the sky. Midnight fury was in his eyes as he glared at Kareth.

"Polaris!" Kallyr exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

"Kallyr, this guy can give you nothing but pain." He then turned his full
attention to the sword master. " And if you hurt her, Kareth, I'll kick your ass from here to Vithela and back!"

Kallyr giggled. "Sorry Kareth, but who's gonna argue with a god? As a lover he's just **divine**. And you'll never guess why they call him the pole star. Besides, I'm a queen, you know! You'd have to offer me all Sartar as bridegift before I'd even think of being your shield girl."

Polaris lifted Kallyr heavenwards on a ray of midnight blue. Gazeing upwards, Kareth ground his teeth in frustrated fury. "All of Sartar! Well I'll show her..."

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