Re: Re: Glorantha d20

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 15:41:19 +0000 (GMT)

> I fully believe that a Glorantha D20 product
> could potentialy be just as good a game for
> Glorantha as RQ
> ever was, anyone who didn't believe that shouldn't
> have any
> business working on such a project, IMHO.
> Unfortunately a shortage of such people is one
> reason why it won't ever happen.

I'd quite like to see Glorantha D20, and I'd probably play it. There are times when I want a mythical narrative game, and there are times when I want to do some nitty-gritty combat in full simulationist mode. Given that RQ is broken at high levels (and in other places), D20 is something I'd be interested in trying.

But, my grasp of *any* rules system is insufficient for me to be of much use in working on such a project, even if I had time. Sorry.

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