Re: Re: Information over-load?

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 22:46:15 +0000 (GMT)

It does rather, doesn't it? And that section is labelled "New players start here": I'm not one, so I didn't. Reading now.... you have to read pages 11-18, then go to page 153, then start on the 18, 29.. sequence. Sounds like a solo adventure book!

OK.. page 18, your stead. Also gives some clan-level information, mixed in. Page 29: your clan. Which tells us among other things that the three steads of your bloodline have 15 "hearths" between them. The "your stead" section didn't say this, and nothing seems to define what a "hearth" is. If it;s a building people live in, this doesn't match the numbers in the "stead" section.
Onward to page 47: "your enemies". Various fighting tactics. We learnt back in "your stead" that the clan has 5 weapon-thanes. We still don't know how many make up the fyrd, though. This section mentions flying warriors Elmali, Vingans, and Uroxi, but no idea of how many of each.
p88-91: "your gods". Too many! and no idea how many initiates and/or devotees there are to each. p102: "your wyter": yes, good stuff, and all in the right place for once.
Finally 176: "your leaders": titles, but no indication of who each of them worships, and what level their skills would be.

Looks like most of the info is there. But so scattered!

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