
From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 17:20:36 +0000 (GMT)


> :"Where the f*** is 'KEROFINELA', when it's at
> home?"
> :[re: department of the bleeding obvious]


> You are not being entirely fair on that point Nick.
> Kerofinela is a nice
> and poetic name, and I bet it will interest many
> people. Dragon Pass, on
> the other hand may be confused with other products.
> Parhaps the title should have reference to both...

Having given it a bit more thought, that's not a bad idea. When I first heard of "Kerofinela" it didn't occur to me that it meant the Dragon Pass book, because I just assumed that that would be called "Dragon Pass". Or "Sartar". Something familiar. But in fact, emphasising the importance of Kero Fin isn't a bad idea at all: she's far more important to the people there than the "dragon" concept, even if this wasn't mentioned back in RQ days.

And KoDP *did* emphasise the importance of Kero Fin. So the name picks up the people who got introduced to Glorantha that way.

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