A Pentan Tale: The Doggy Bag's Tale

From: pradal_pir <pradal_pir_at_...>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 09:59:19 -0000

A Pentan Tale: The Doggy Bag's Tale

-Hey! Little Dung(1), where are you going?
-Gonna take a ride on the Pasture with Smelly Snake and Rotten Dog.
-Don't you forget anything?
-No I don't. Have got my bow and my quiver is full of arrows!
-And where's your Doggy Bag's Ongo(2)?
-Never go away without your Doggy Bag's, Little Dung! A bow and a
full quiver are not too bad but bones are better against Sons of Kanvak(3)!
-Why ? Smelly Snake and Rotten Dog always make fun of my Doggy Bag's
-Well... Come on, Little Dung. Sit down. Close your eyes and prick up
your ears. Wisely listen to my story! 'Cause this story is a tale of our Bone(4)!
A long time ago, there was one of Kanvak's Sons named Grummml, living in the Darkness Mountains(5). Always starved, always hunting, always harassing our Darkhat(6)... Always hungry and never tired... Grummml was a terrible and powerful Dozaki! And as all his brothers this Son of Kanvak was hunting Sons of Kargzant ! And finally, one day, he did not find anymore Men, so he hunted Little Dungs like you.
And finally, one day, he did not find anymore Little Dungs, so he hunted Yellow Dogs(7).
And finally, one day, he did not find anymore Yellow Dogs, so he ate Grass like a cow.(Spit!)
-Like a cow?! Burk !(Spit!)
-Shut up! He ate so much grass that finally our clan moved from the
place. And finally one day, there was no longer grass left. So, Ungry Grummml started eating earth. He dug a hole and one day, he suddenly stopped digging this hole 'cause in the bottom of this hole he found a Big Nose(8) bone!
"Grummml!", he said before getting out of the hole. He picked up the bone and looked around. "Time to hide both my bone and I", he thought. Near the hole there was a tumultuous river in the middle of which stood a small island.
"Grummml! Gonna make a good Shelter", he thought before going on the border of the raging stream.
"Grummml!", he thought again, "Don't want to wet my bone and I" So, he took a look around and noticed a crushed tree laying down across the river.
So, he decided to go on across the tree. As Grummml crossed the river with the Big Nose's Bone in his mouth, he looked down the water. Then, he suddenly stopped! Why? 'Cause he saw his own reflection in the water!
"Grummml!", he thought again, "there is another one... like me...Kanvak! He's carrying a bone too! Grummml! His bone is bigger than mine!"
After a moment of intense reflection, he thought: "Grummml! I'm going to crush this other Grummml and catch his bone!" So Grummml jumped off the tree into the water, loosing his bone while screaming "GRUMMML!" and splashed around searching the other Dozaki but never found him.
Furious, Grummml tried to reach the shore, but he failed and drowned himself.
Well, do you understand now why you always have to take your Doggy Bag's Ongo ? If a Karvan's Son tries to catch you, then simply throw away your Doggy Bag to the Dozaki and he will stop in order to eat the bones hidden in the bag. If there are more than one Darkness Demon, it works better 'cause they are so stupid that they will fight each other to catch the Doggy Bag ! Do you understand ?
-Yes, Mother.
-All right! So, take your Ongo and be proud to have such a good
-Yes, Mother.

(1) Little Dung: Pentans traditionally named their children with ridiculous and/or disgusting surnames to protect them from Evil Spirits.

(2) Ongo: a Shamanic Fetish protecting his/her owner.
(3) Sons of Kanvak: Dozaki, Uz, Dijijelm.
(4) Bone: Family and by extension clan or tribe. "Be from the same 
Bone" is a typical Pentan expression meaning: "Share the same Blood". In other words, Pentans say: Boneline instead of Bloodline.
(5) Darkness Mountains: the mountains near Hellpit (Dozaki Realm).
(6) Darkhat: Extended family.
(7) Yellow Dog: Pent's small wild dog.
(8) Big Nose: Mammoth.

The Doggy Bag's Ongo description: a small horse leather bag in which the shaman puts some spirit enchanted horse bones.

Pradal Pierre
YM Profil: pradal_pir
ICQ Number: 89029606

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