Re: Yet another Sartarite joke

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 15:28:19 +1000

Unable to resist the tide. A bad taste warning applies to the following.

Braggi Bentbow and the other male shepherds are up at the shielings, perving after pretty Nalda Mudshins. Its Sea Season of course, and, tired out after a long day chasing sheep, the young mens' fancy turns to the delights of young women, same as for the other four seasons. Spurred on by his kinsmen, Braggi finally summons up the courage to approach young Nalda.

"Pretty Nalda Mudshins, will you not come with me for a walk in the

Nalda blushes, smiles, and makes reply. "You're a fine strapping man Braggi Bentbow, but I cannot walk with you, for I can see the glisten in your eye."

"Bugger", thinks Braggi, and trods off back to his stone-walled hut. Of
course he can't stop thinking about pretty Nalda, so next evening as Elmal fades into the west he tries again.

"Pretty Nalda Mudshins, will you not come with me for a walk in the

"You're a fine strapping man Braggi Bentbow, but I cannot walk with you, for
I can see the glisten in your eye."

"Sod!" thinks Braggi, and retires to his hut, kicking out at the lambs who
are unlucky enough to cross his path.

Next morning, Braggi has a brilliant idea. He borrows a raincape with a heavy hood, and come dusk, he approaches Nalda's fire with the hood drawn down over his eyes. "No excuses now", he thinks.

"Pretty Nalda Mudshins, will you not come with me for a walk in the

"You're a fine strapping man Braggi Bentbow, but I cannot walk with you, for
I can see the tilt in your kilt!"

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