Re: St Elleish

From: Trotsky <TTrotsky_at_...>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 12:01:04 +0100


>Can anyone tell me how The Order of St. Elleish now works in
>HeroQuest. I've got all the stuff on Blessings and such from ToTRM
>and the Digest/Etyries etc. I just don't see how the old Orders fit
>into the New Order(s). Especially for this rather troublesome group.

Its an Order, using the rules in the wizardry section of HeroQuest. That is, it provides access to a 'Life of St Elleish' book containing nifty feminist blessings, and, for those who want greater dedication to the cause, a formulary with even more nifty spells in it. It probably doesn't, at least in the mainstream cult, have wizards, so there won't be any grimoires. Some the magics it does provide will resemble those of the old TotRM blessings, but of course there'll be a wider range than that. Each saint's order is really a full-blown cult in old RQ terms, with your sect (e.g. Rokarism) being more like a theist pantheon. Think of her as the Malkioni version of Vinga, and you aren't going to be far off.

St Elleish would have got a write-up in Sorcerer Knights, back when that was going to be a book the size and depth of Thunder Rebels. Obviously, that's no longer practicable, so we'll have a 'Lords of the West' series that will look much like the 'Imperial Lunar Handbook' series. St Elleish probably won't be in volume 1 (since, like ILH-1, that's just an overview of how the bits fit together), but she'll be on my list of things I'd like to fit into LotW-2. Not that that's going to be out for a couple of years at least, mind, but we haven't forgotten...

Gamer and Skeptic

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