Re: Re: Dragon Pass

From: Guy Hoyle <ghoyle1_at_...>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 17:45:35 -0600

Ian Cooper wrote:

>>>Heh. Yeah. And he's got a sort of creepy pockent kingdom of his
>own. Low budget Delecti or an Army of Darkness, I'm not sure which
>fits better.
>>Is this mentioned anywhere in DP? Other than a basic reference to
>>Brangbane as a former Dinacoli king/King of the Ghouls, I can't
>>find any references to such a kingdom. (The idea is very cool,
>It is in Dragon Pass. Look in the Woods of the Dead entry.

Ahh, found it! Very spooky. Just crying out for some scenarios. For some reason this seems a bit anime-ish to me.


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