Re: Naval Encounters

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 10:20:26 -0000

> I think I've said this before, but be prepared for augments to be
> as large as possible in a naval engagement -- after all, you have
> all the time you need to prepare.

On a slight tangent to David's point, but just to remind folks that HeroQuest now has a three magical augments per ability stacking limit. HQ allows the narrator to impose a -3 to each augmenting ability beyond the first - I am reserving this for magics that do not seem synergistic. Coming from Hero Wars it is easy to forget this change, though we rarely stacked higher than this under HW anyway.

If you want larger bonuses you need rituals. And rituals do take hours of time (don't have the exact numbers to hand). I am sure that there is a King of Dragon Pass style trade off here. Attack now without performing any pre-battle rituals but before your enemies have a chance to complete their rituals or enhance your abilities with your own combat rituals then attack. Of course relative time factors are at work here - go for a smaller bonus and you may finish first and attack your opponent before they complete theirs. Adds a tactical element to the encounter.

> You will of course need to deal with piracy at some point, whether
> your players doing it, or being attacked by them.
At this point IIRC the Wolf Pirates dominate the Homeward Ocean. They are ruthless, deadly, and motivated by plunder.

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