Re: Troy - The Movie - Pavis Lives!

From: giangero <giangero_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 09:37:59 -0000

The amount of actors above probably sucked up 2 thirds of the total budget of the film. No space for Connery, sorry:

Why "Archilles"?
Why "Patrocolus"?
Diomedes is actually my own favourite (the Nemesis of Aeneas...)

Who is Zena? The daugher of Xena and Zeus?

> Archilles. Agamemnon. Odysseus. Hector. Paris. Patrocolus. Ajax
(Major &
> Minor). Diomedes. Nestor. Priam. Aeneus. Helen. Cassandra.
> Hecabe. Zena. :) Kings! Priestesses! Bronze-clad behemoths! Slave
> Ant People! Hissy fits! Skullduggery! Men in tight skirts! It
doesn't get
> any more epic than this.

Yup Yup!  

> If this gets people reading Homer again it will be worth it for
that alone.
> I hope it does more, and I'm sure it will inspire some great
> After all, a single Agamemnon scene in Time bandits inspired me for
> We still haven't finished with Whitewall as a storytelling nexus.

Yeah, kill that slimy f******g winged mouse, once and for all!  

> John
> (Still retaining some wide-eyed roleplaying enthusiam it seems)
> * Director Wolfgang Petersen lost two... one in 'The Perfect Storm'
> and another in 'Das Boot'.

Das Boot was not that bad.
Leonardo the Scientist is coming in my campaign ASAP!


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