Re: Re: Dream walking?

From: Jennifer Geard <geard_at_...>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 08:09:06 +1300

I'd like to discuss some other points later, but I've got one reuest for clarification now:

> >Besides, could someone fill me in on how you're meant to conduct a
> >discreet affair when you live in a stead? Where? When? With whom?
> > For example, if the young pre-marriage Kandreya is permitted to
> > take lovers discretely [sic, hmm, maybe I'm reading this wrong and
> > it's just that's she's meant to have them one at a time], how does
> > she do it?
> > (

> How have young adults living at home managed to have affairs without
> upsetting their parents for centuries?
> It's even easier in a rural community than an urban one because there
> are loads of good reasons to be off on your own. The fact that
> Kandreya always takes Olaf his midday meal when he's looking after
> the cattle is gossip but not an issue.

I'd understood that Heartlings were strictly exogamous, and that Ernalda's gift could significantly increase or decrease the chance of conceiving, but wasn't completely reliable (for that you have to check your fertility at the door as part of Vingan rites, or whatever). I was therefore assuming that young people whould be looking hard for partners outside the clan.


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