Re: Greetings and Felicitations

From: Keith Nellist <kmnellist_at_...>
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 11:42:07 -0000

(Hell, interesting Empire, that EWF.
> Anyone car to jump in with the quickie version of whether or not it
> and Krarolea have a link besides the dragon motif? Just curious.)

The main link is Shang Hsa may-his name-be-cursed (mostly because my word processor aurtomatically changes Hsa to Has. A google for Shang Hsa comes up with some info. This is all terribly obscure BTW. In any case, both Shang is Kralorela and the Third Council (another name for the EWF) got dragon worship wrong (IMO). Other links include the Humakti hero Li Phanquan, (who I think fled Kralorela to escape Shang) and erm, that's abotu it.

(I have my own ideas about Godunya (the current Kralori Emperor) being in Pavis 800 years ago but that is MGVing.

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