Re: Looking for Glorantha/RW links for Teshnos...

From: Henk Langeveld <hlangeveld_at_...>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 02:19:30 +0200

Hi Guillermo,

Thanks for the tip. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon you mean? Haven't seen it, will do sometime.
I once saw 'The East is Red', which also had a lot of the Hongkong style acrobatic combat
with flying/leaping superheros, reminding me a lot of Robin Laws' influence on HQ.

P.S: Keep up the work with The Path of The Damned. So silly, so serious, so Glorantha!

Guillermo <dragonh_at_...>:
> You could take a look to Tradetalk 13 fanzine (from Ingo Tschinke) it has
> a lot of Teshnos stuff, about the Teshnos amazons in particular.
> Also, you could take a look to The Tiger and The Dragon movie. It could
> be very useful to any game in the "eastern-like" glorantha areas.

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