Hero - the Movie, a review

From: Oliver D. Bernuetz <bernuetz_at_...>
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 21:03:26 -0000

Hi there,

Saw the movie Hero, starring Jet Li on Saturday. Very pretty movie, the sets, costumes (well, except maybe the obviously styrofoam shields in one scene) and the locales were gorgeous. It was kind of draggy towards the end though.

What can you get out of it? Definitely some good ideas how feats would help your combat and an idea how really competent heroes can be extremely powerful. The scene where two people(!) stage a frontal assault on a fortress guarded by thousands would be a textbook example of the buildup possible of APs. (A friend commented that that's how we would have done it in D&D. I should have countered that would have been our tactics no matter what the system. You were just more likely to survive something like that in D&D:-) And probably HQ if you were a lot better than your oppoenents).

My favorite scene is a swordfight in a woods where the leaves were falling from the trees. Just gorgeous.

Definitely worth a look.


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